Miss My MILO

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Tentang Saya..

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Keramat Au3, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Download Video From Youtube -Latest Update-

maybe some of you that'd using Youtube Downloader wondering why you can't download vids from YouTube anymore..

the fact is YouTube currently supporting HD vids..
to download youtube vids again..
simply download the new YouTube downloader called YoutubeDownloaderHD..

with YoutubeDownloaderHD, you can directly convert the .FLV vids to .MP4 or even .AVI..
but i cant find a way to convert it to MP3..
so.. just use the old YoutubeDownloader to convert the vids you'd downloaded into 3GP or MP3..

Have Fun Filling Your Hard Disk.. =D

Friday, August 20, 2010

a new BLOG?

i'd been thinking to make another blog lately..
a blog specially for Photoshop Tutorials for beginner..
yeah.. for beginners because i'm not even a professionals yet or maybe not even an intermediate.. =P

however i'm currently studying and there's a lot of assignments to be done..
i'd thought to make a vids of photoshop tutorials and post it to the blog..
so, i dont really have much time..
making a vids of photoshop tutorials sure takes time to be done..

i'll be making the blog when i got time to spend..
just wait for the blog soon.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan~


Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan kepada semua Muslimin dan Muslimat seluruh dunia..
harap kita dapat mendekatkan lagi diri kita dengan Allah S.W.T di bulan yang mulia ini...

tak sabar rasanya nak RAYA.. haha..

Hilang Stress!

harini dalam pukul 12 aku balik dari kelas ke rumah sekejap nak rehat tunggu kelas pukul 2.30 nanti.. sampai je rumah biase la makan dulu..
terpikir plak banyak mase lagi sebelum kelas.. aku on la PC sekejap nak main game lepas ni..
pastuh tetibe lak aku ade appointment dengan Mr Tan a.k.a Mr Tandas..
ambik masa lame la jugak nak luahkan semua perasaan aku kat Mr Tan tu..

selang beberapa minit kemudian..
tamatlah sesi aku dengan Mr Tan..
aku pun lega la.. dengan hanya berbekal sehelai tuala..
aku pun berlalu dari Mr Tan..
sebelum berjumpa Mr Tan, terdapat satu pintu..
pintu ni memang aku anti gile2..
benda yang aku slalu terfikir akan berlaku akhirnya berlaku juga..
aku pulas tombol pintu tu.. *kecek kecek*

peh! memang kelam kabut aku time tu..
dah la aku masok bilik air pakai 'towel' je..
henpon pun tak bawak nak call mintak tolong..
nasib baik ade satu rak kat dalam tu ade satu ToolBox di atasnya..
aku selongkar ToolBox tu aku carik ape yang patut untuk tolong aku menyelamatkan diri..
benda yang aku carik first semestinya tukul dengan "screwdriver"

korek punye korek punye korek..
basah lenjun da rupenye badan aku mandi peluh..

bile hasil pengorekan aku tak berjaya..
aku hilang sabor.. aku tendang je pintu tu hilangkan geram..
semasa aku tendang pintu tu aku terdengar bunyi *prek*.. haha..
aku taknak la nak merosakkan barang2 dalam rumah sendiri..
bile fikir2 balik.. keadaan terdesak..
ape lagi.. happy la aku tendang, terajang dan 'SPEAR' ala-ala Wrestling gitu..
usaha punye usaha.. aku tolak pintu tu sikit.. nampak la ruang tamu..
fuhh.. tenang sikit hati aku..

aku usaha sikit lagi..

terus aku cari kipas.. dekat sejam gak aku sangkut dalam tu.. panas gile!
dah sejuk sikit badan aku ni.. bermulalah sesi photography.. seperti gambar2 yang ado kat sini..

P/S : Mama.. Abah.. Maap ye.. terpakse rosakkan pintu..
pasang pintu baru yang cantik sikit yer..

Monday, August 9, 2010

i'd been missing..

first up.. i love to read comics and i love all the comics and the artist from GempakStarz..
their drawings are full of varieties..

long ago..
well it's not very long ago..
there's an artist called Ben..
last 3 years..
i improved my drawings skill all based from Ben's artwok..
and that's last 3 years..
now.. he's no longer with GempakStarz since.. i forgot when did he left.. =D
and a while later he published a mag called Powder..
anyway.. here's some of his latest drawings.. you can click on them for full view..

i'd been searching all these years where Ben had gone to..

so.. minutes ago.. i searched on Google and find Ben at COMIXO STUDIO..

it's all thanks to HER.. (well.. i dont know who she is.. =B)

gosh! i really miss his drawings..
im not saying Ben is the best.. but all artist from GempakStarz is talented..
i really hope i can draw like them as im studying in a course that requires drawing skills..

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