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Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Six Letter Word On Facebook..

Okay.. Ini adalah info untuk pengguna2 facebook..

Hati-hati !!
Mulai sekarang jangan pernah menuliskan perkataan yang mempunyai 6 huruf iaitu I5Ra3L (dengan cara yg betul) di WALL, di Status, di Note atau bila and meng-upload apa saja kerana secara automatik anda akan masuk ke fans page ini



Cuba lihat ! Sudah ramai saudara2 kita yang tidak tahu pun mereka 'like' fan page tersebut.. padahal mereka tak bermaksud untuk 'like' page tersebut.. Waspada dan segeralah 'unlike' page tersebut jika boleh..

jika kita menulis nama negara itu dengan betul maka informasi itu akan di direct ke page tersebut.. jika kita melihat laman page tersebut, kita dapat lihat wall post yang bukannya di post di laman tersebut tetapi di status, wall post dan lain2..

Sebarkan ini ke saudara2 kita yang lain sebab kita bukannya pengikut the real terrorist..


okay.. this is just an info for facebook users..

From now on, don't type the six letter word that is 15Ra3L (in the correct way) on your facebook wall, status, note, even on something that you are uploading to facebook or anywhere in facebook..
this is because that you will automatically like this fan page if you type the word..


look at it.. many people automatically LIKE that pages even they didnt mean to do that.. maybe you are one of them..
caution and hurry to unlike it if you're against the country because the fans is increasing every hour..

if you typed the name of that country in the correct way, the information that you'd typed will be automatically directed to the page.. if you open the page, you can see all the wall post that containing the six letter word that are not originally posted there.. some of them are actually some status updates, wall post and etc..

spread this thread to our friends because we are not a follower of the real terrorist..

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